Monday, February 8, 2010


There is an idea that on 21 December 2012 the world will come to an end. There will de disaster. There will be death. There will be suffering. Is that true?


1. Will the World end on 21 December 2012?


2. Will the Sun become hotter?


3. Will the Sun cool down?


4. Will the planet Nibiru or some asteroid destroy the earth?


5. Will the earth stop rotating?


6. Will the sun become very hot and unbearable?


7. Will life end?


8. What will happen in 2012 then?


You and all your friends and family members will continue to live happily. As it is going on, the world will have rain, sunlight, snowfall, food, and so on.

9. Is there any future date for the earth to end?


The earth has been here since ages, and will continue to be here.

10. What about conspiracy theories and latest data about the Sun, moon and so on?

We never had instruments to measure the Sun or the moon or the stars before. We have them now and so every small spot on the sun scares us to death. There have been storms, scars, spots, and so on in the Sun since ages. Nothing to worry.

11. What should we do now?

Be happy. Be peaceful. Nothing bad will happen. Pray to God if you have faith. Spread the good news that all is going to be well.

12. Is the hype about 2012 a hoax then?

Neither did Mayans or anyone else predict that the world would end in 2012. Never. It is all an imagination. That is all.

12. But we hear politicians are building bunkers underground?

Let them! They have built it always. Kings used to build earlier, now politicians are building such things. No harm done.